A graphic of a bookshelf and a lightA graphic of a bookshelf and a light
Editions at Play

Books that use dynamic properties of the Internet

The printed novel has been around for about 400 years. How might digital books allow for a deep reading experience? With mobile becoming the most popular way to read, we created a library of mobile-first books with new stories by prominent writers. Unlike eReaders, each narrative is embedded in dynamic qualities of the web, yet allows for the deep reading that a novel affords. At Google Creative Lab, in collaboration with Visual Editions, we collaborated with distinguished authors to inject digital into the core of the storytelling, to build books that push the boundaries of traditional publishing.

UX diagramsA sketch of a user flow

My Role

Throughout the project, my role included conceptual development, art direction, UX and UI. I was one of 2 designers on the team. Together, our team defined our guiding principles, experimented, prototyped, designed and tested. We collaborated with distinguished authors, challenging them to inject digital into the core of the storytelling to build books we’d never experienced before.

During my time on Editions at Play I helped deliver 5 book microsites and a library website where they live. Now the library continues to grow, with writers, developers and designers contributing digital books that continue to push the frontiers of storytelling.

graphical user interface

Peabody Awards

Editions at Play features ‘Books powered by the magic of the Internet’ that challenge the limits of traditional presentation, using technology to make reading and writing more engaging and experiential than ever. These are not E-books, but rather performances that exist only in digital and mobile spaces.”

Studio: Google Creative Lab
Tea Uglow, Daisy Smith, Emila Yang, Hanley Weng, Jonny Richards, Jude Osborn, Jennifer Nunez, Marcio Puga, Nicci Hurwitz
Partner: Visual Editions
Anna Gerber, Britt Iverson